The Former Cadre 2013
My concept for Absolut Vodka is based on The Freedom Charter of South Africa. The Freedom Charter was the statement of the core principles of the ANC and its allies adopted in 1955. It is characterized by its opening demand; “The People Shall Govern!” The new Constitution of South Africa has included many of the demands of The Freedom Charter.
I have collected the alphabet‐bead letters that correspond to each letter in the words that make up the Freedom Charter. This amounts to some 5812 letters or beads. Together with Nosandise Mvinjana, a beader from Monkeybiz, my Absolut bottle constitutes a re-working of these letters. Ms Mvinjana was not informed that the letters were from the Freedom Charter. Her instructions were to bead randomly, or occasionally create words from the letters as she saw fit.
I asked only for the title of my work, THE FORMER CADRE, to appear in the first line. THE FORMER CADRE is an anagram of FREEDOM CHARTER.
The Former Cadre 2013 Absolute Vodka bottle and beads
also see the online campaign