Cross the River in a Crowd
Kuzvuva Dumbu 2019 Found plastic-weave bags and wire frame 38 x 230 x 100 cm
Cross the River in a Crowd (installation view) 2019
Mai MaBag 2019 Found plastic-weave bags, black serpentine, custom-made fabric 240 x 122 x 110 cm
Mai MaBag (detail) 2019
Cross the River in a Crowd and the Crocodile Won’t Eat You (black) 2019 Found plastic-weave bags and wire frames approx. 20 x 390 x 20 cm
Cross the River in a Crowd and the Crocodile Won’t Eat You (blue) 2019 Found plastic-weave bags and wire frames approx. 20 x 390 x 20 cm
The Oppressor as a Child, Heroin as a Flower 2019 Colon Statue 124 x 27 x 19,5 cm
The Oppressor as a Child, Heroin as a Flower (detail) 2019
Footsack Empire 2019 Found Plastic-weave bags 97 x 185 cm
Cross the River in a Crowd (installation view) 2019
Carry a Laser Down the Road that I Must Travel 2019 LED persistence of vision display
Arduino Microcontroller, custom circuitry, LEDs, acrylic casing 14.7 x 3.3 x 9 cm