The Zimbabwean Constitution 2015 Hand-woven archival ink-jet prints 290 x 89 cm
Money code map series
Big bosses
Seize soil
Hells bells
She hoes soil
He begs booze
Bob is boss
Z$535,508,918 2013 Map of Zimbabwean farming regions hand-woven with a progression of shredded Zimbabwean bank notes that amount to Z$535,508,918
82 x 89 cm
Z$710,532,135 2013 Map of Zimbabwean farming regions hand-woven with a progression of shredded Zimbabwean bank notes that amount to Z$710,532,135
82 x 89 cm
Z$5,773,857,734 2013 Map of Zimbabwean farming regions hand-woven with a progression of shredded Zimbabwean bank notes that amount to Z$5,773,857,734
82 x 89 cm
Z$71,055,304,345 2013 Map of Zimbabwean farming regions hand-woven with a progression of shredded Zimbabwean bank notes that amount to Z$71,055,304,345
82 x 89 cm
Z$32,008,593,834 2013 Map of Zimbabwean farming regions hand-woven with a progression of shredded Zimbabwean bank notes that amount to Z$32,008,593,834
82 x 89 cm
Z$550,851,808 2013 Map of Zimbabwean farming regions hand-woven with a progression of shredded Zimbabwean bank notes that amount to Z$550,851,808
82 x 89 cm
South Africa / Zimbabwe Border Fence 2013 Hand-woven archival ink-jet prints
88 x 64 cm
The border fence, inherited from the apartheid era, is set a few hundred metres south of the international border, which runs down the centre of the limpopo river. It has three lines of razor wire with an electric fence between, and the voltage can be calibrated from deadly to the uncomfortable electric tingle used for game fencing.
A survey in 2005 by army trackers compared human tracks crossing through the fence to those apprehended by the police. they found that only about 15 percent of undocumented migrants were caught.
Rifugiato Mappa del Mondo 4 2012
Map of the world loosely based on infographics showing areas according to immigration and emigration statistics. Areas and routes with increased emigration are more worn than the destination countries, constructed out of new and found plastic-weave bags. This work was stitched together by Sibongile Tete, a Zimbabwean currently living in South Africa.
183 x 380 cm
One Dollar 2011 Map of Zimbabwean farming regions hand-woven with 300 trillion Zimbabwe dollars
82 x 89 cm
300 trillion Zimbabwe dollars represents the amount of Zimbabwe Dollars required to buy one US Dollar on the black market at the height of inflation in February 2009. The shredded bank notes in this work are Z$50 Billion Zimbabwean Special Agro (Agricultural) cheques. This currency was initially only intended for farmers, but it found its way into regular use because of the parallel functions with bearer cheques and the exponential rise of food prices.
Samizdat 2011 Page from The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, in theory. Hand-woven ink-jet archival prints
28 x 19 cm